Waste Time Efficiently

Monday, October 1, 2007

Blagging 101

I am very well known in the industry. What does this mean? Perks come my way quite often. This can be as big as nailing some wannabe on the casting couch through to obtaining a gift bag from the latest movie premiere.

On the odd occasion I forget to get my name on a list or get my press agent to organize some tickets I need to resort to a blag. Whats a blag you ask?

Blag - To gain, usually entrance to a restricted area or club, or some material good, through confidence trickery or cheekiness. Lying is also acceptable.

I dont need to resort to this often because I am so well known. People know who I am and want to be around me.

My best blag to date was getting into Vanity Fairs Oscar Party at Morton’s restaurant. I wasnt invited as my Press Agent is a Douche and he didnt call the right people (did I mention he's a Douche). I am quite friendly with some of the Paparazzi so I gave 10 of them $50 each and had them meet me a block away from Morton's. They all ran after my car snapping photos as I pulled up. This meant even more Paparazzi starting taking my photo. Like months to a flame bitches! I exited my Lotus and confidently walked up to the door man. The velvet rope parted and I was in.

Speaking of presence...I mean presents. The gift bag for this event was valued at about $10,000. $10,000 minus $500 = You want to be me.