Waste Time Efficiently

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Abdul Fall Down, Go Boom

Paula Abdul, the 44 year-old softballer from the inexplicably popular television series "American Idol" has suffered a broken nose just days before the show's finale according to media reports.

And if you thought she was annoying before, just imagine all that inane blather being strained through a pulpy mass of bruised flesh and shattered cartilidge.
The story goes that she was trying to avoid stepping on her similiarly useless pet Chihuahua, Tulip, and God was too busy to make sure she landed on her neck. Allow me to offer a contrary opinion as to what caused the mishap:

It's no secret that Paula Abdul's blood alcohol content is so high, her urine could keep your average Arizona State student drunk for a semester.
Prolly has a little something to do with this.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Living the Good Lie

The line between fame and douche baggery is a thin one.
And why is that? Does becoming a celebrity turn people into jerks, or is fame simply reserved for the type of person who is an asshole to begin with?

I don’t know and I don’t care. What I do know is that Hollywood’s got a seamy underbelly (whatever the heck that is), and I say it’s time we poked at it a bit.

With that in mind, take a look at these videos of celebrities gone wild. Some are new. Some are classic.

In the meantime, I’ll be elbow-deep in dirt, bringing you stardom at its worst… so you can feel better about being a nobody.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago