Waste Time Efficiently

Thursday, June 21, 2007

He belongs in a museum!

The first official picture of Harrison Ford returning as Indiana Jones has been released. Come on. You know you're curious...

Well, I'd like to make fun, but so far he actually looks pretty good... in a 64 years-old sort of way. The strangest thing to me is that apparently Indy hasn't bought any new clothes in the last 20 years. He changes girlfriends more often than he changes shirts.

Steven Spielberg returns to direct, and the movie is set in the 1950s which means less Nazis for you history buffs out there. Along with Ford, the film stars Cate Blanchett, John Hurt, Ray Winstone and Jim Broadbent. Also appearing is Shia "Just Try And Pronounce My Name" LeBeouf, previously of "Even Stevens" fame. He's rumored to be playing *gulp* Indy's son which is an idea bad enough to convince me that George Lucas is still producing.

How do I feel about this movie? It's tough. The practical part of me says it ended so perfectly last time with Indy and his dad (who will not be returning) literally riding off into the sunset. That said, the selfish 12 year-old in me really wants to see one more kick-ass Indiana Jones movie.

So I'm rooting for this one. Even if that means I'll have to endure a scene with Harrison Ford in a wheelchair chase.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

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