Waste Time Efficiently

Friday, June 1, 2007

Where I Draw the Line

It's one thing to post videos of celebrities acting like flat-out bastards or just plain embarassing themselves, but I'm not in the business of selling human misery.

That's precisely the reason I'm not touching the "drunk David Hasselhoff" video. Watch it for 15 seconds and it's amusing in that Barney from the Simpsons sort of way. Watch it a bit longer and what you hear is the heart-breaking voice of his wise-beyond-her-years teenage daughter pleading with her dad to help himself. He drools. He says "fuck you." This is what drunks do. But he also says he's lonely. There's no entertainment there. This is a raw, private moment that should never have been broadcast to the world.

I hope Hasselhoff gets the help he needs and is able to make things up to his clearly concerned child. And while that happens, I'll be happy to put up clips of Jay Leno getting his nuts caught in a belt-sander.

Hey, a guy can hope.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

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