Waste Time Efficiently

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Top 11 Reasons Why Chuck Norris is Awesome

I was one of the founding members of the 'Chuck Norris is Rad' fan club. He is so freaking rad I want to crap my pants! His chest hair inspired me to my own feats of greatness.

These are the reasons why Chuck Norris is the best!

1. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Ever.

2. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

3. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

4. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.

5. If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.

6. Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.

7. Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.

8. Chuck Norris doesn’t wash his clothes, he disembowels them.

9. Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a ****ing Indian.

10. In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.

11. There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.

Source: http://4q.cc/index.php?pid=top100&person=chuck

Note: This may appear to the untrained eye that Chuck Norris is getting his ass kicked. This is what HE wants you to think.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Survival Of The Fittest

Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels.

Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round.

I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.

Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.

When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."

This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion.

There can be only one.

Source: Best of Craigslist
Date: 2007-08-30, 2:03PM EDT

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Best Ever Laughing Baby

Best Ever Laughing Baby
Video sent by LucaPalooka1
Less than a minute and guaranteed to brighten your day... Luke laughs hysterically as mama imitates him crawling around the house in the morning.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Blagging 101

I am very well known in the industry. What does this mean? Perks come my way quite often. This can be as big as nailing some wannabe on the casting couch through to obtaining a gift bag from the latest movie premiere.

On the odd occasion I forget to get my name on a list or get my press agent to organize some tickets I need to resort to a blag. Whats a blag you ask?

Blag - To gain, usually entrance to a restricted area or club, or some material good, through confidence trickery or cheekiness. Lying is also acceptable.

I dont need to resort to this often because I am so well known. People know who I am and want to be around me.

My best blag to date was getting into Vanity Fairs Oscar Party at Morton’s restaurant. I wasnt invited as my Press Agent is a Douche and he didnt call the right people (did I mention he's a Douche). I am quite friendly with some of the Paparazzi so I gave 10 of them $50 each and had them meet me a block away from Morton's. They all ran after my car snapping photos as I pulled up. This meant even more Paparazzi starting taking my photo. Like months to a flame bitches! I exited my Lotus and confidently walked up to the door man. The velvet rope parted and I was in.

Speaking of presence...I mean presents. The gift bag for this event was valued at about $10,000. $10,000 minus $500 = You want to be me.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

This Years MTV VMAs Were Amazing

Video. Music. Awards.
Three little words that bring a smile to my heart as I look back at the debacle that was this years VMAs.
Apparently the TV station Empty-V plays music videos in-between episodes of Hogan Knows Best and My Super Sweet 16. And apparently some people care about pop music in 2007. Thus, this past weekend the world was treated to a non-stop display of organized showing off by some of the planets more vacuous ‘personalities’.

In honor of the train-wreck that was this years VMAs I hereby announce the first edition of the annual Living The Good Lie VMA top Three.

#3 Kanye West Is Sensitive.
Preppy wannabe tough guy rapper Kanye West chose the 2007 VMAs to make it clear why he wears teddy bear sweaters. BECAUSE HE IS A MOMMYS BOY. Poor little Kanye threw a temper tantrum backstage when he didn’t win any awards. A big tough rapper getting his panties in a twist because a company owned by rich old white men didn’t give him a shiny award.

Kanye: You Suck.

#2 Middle Aged Men Are Tough.
Pamela Anderson must be one hell of a good lay because her two ex-husbands decided to put their handbags down, take off their earrings and slap each other. Kid Rock and Tommy Lee put on the worst display of girl-fighting this side of Kanye West in a room full of teddy bears. These two has-beens played “hold me back, hold me back” with their buddies until security rushed in and broke up the cuddle-fest.

Real tough guys, really.

#1 Oops She Blew It Again.
Britney Spears Is Awful.
So her performance was meant to be a come-back. It was not. What it was was entertaining. In fact I would have to put this little lipsyched shimmy fest down as the best thing I have ever seen on Empty-V. She didn’t sing, she didn’t dance, she didn’t do anything that could remotely be called a performance really, oh, and she dressed like a two dollar hooker. In other words: It was AMAZING!

EDIT: Bloody MTV and their bloody lawyers! alll evidence of this earth shattering event has been cease and desisted from the internet... I offer you instead, a word from Britneys spokesman:

Thank you Britney, Thank you Empty-V. See you next year kids.

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Simpsons: Are They Funny Again?

The Simpsons is a television legend. Everybody has seen it. Even Aboriginal children living in caves who brush their teeth with a stick know who Bart Simpson is. And how can you not? The show has more seasons under its belt than Britney Spears has stretch marks.

Unfortunately, what began as a comedy giant has since shrunken into a comedy dwarf—which is to say it has a normal-sized head but its arms and legs are all stubby and weird. It’s no secret that for a long time, the Simpsons hasn’t been as sharp as it used to be. Not since its glory years in the early to mid 90s… which is a problem unless you live in Europe where American TV arrives so late, those episodes are probably airing for the first time right now. Right along with the premieres of “Diff’rent Strokes” and “A.L.F.”

Anyway, after 19 seasons on the air along with countless officially merchandized t-shirts, dolls, baseball caps, board games, and sex toys, the Simpsons finally seemed to be running of out steam. The hard work of hundreds of Korean animators had been completely mined, and show creator Matt Groening had grown tired of cashing the same old royalty checks for a show he hasn’t done squat for since Bush Sr. was in office.

So, what do you do with a show that has run out of ideas? Just ask the X-Files! You put it on a bigger screen and start charging people to watch it! This of course brings us to The Simpsons Movie.

Leading up to its blockbuster theatrical premiere, “Simpsons Fever” gripped the United States which prior to that only had rampant obesity to worry about. In fact, to help market the Simpsons movie, several 7-11 convenience stores in America were temporarily changed into “Kwik-E-Marts” the fictional store owned by the character Apu. To make that switch 100% authentic, Indian shop owners only had to trade in their store logos, their usual selection of merchandise, and their last shred of dignity.

But here’s the thing. The movie’s not bad! In fact, it’s surprisingly enjoyable. Granted, it’s a little sad that I have to pay 10 bucks to see a Simpsons episode that’s actually funny these days, but hey, I’ll take it where I can get it.

The plot revolves around Homer Simpson, everyone’s favorite beer-swilling, donut-munching, good-natured idiot after he dumps toxic waste into the Lake Springfield causing an ecological disaster that gets the entire town quarantined. Right here, I imagine some movie-goers will be confused. Hell, I see worse things wash up on the shores of Santa Monica on a daily basis. In fact, now might be a good time to explain to children that the L.A. river basin wasn’t always filled with used condoms, abandoned cars, and dead bodies. It actually used to have water in it. What’s water, kids? Nevermind. Have a Coke. Anyway, back to the film.

In a twist of art imitating life, the film’s villains are the United States government. This will be a shock to no one except those in the United States government. In the film, they want to blow up Springfield in order to cover up Homer’s mistake. Which is absurd since everyone knows America would never blow things up because of a mistake!

In the end, the movie embodies what I used to love about the Simpsons--great moments of comedy and a solid social message. It might even inspire you to start recycling. Can’t find a bin? Ah, don’t worry about it. Just toss it in the ocean.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Owen Wilson Hospitalized After Hilarious Madcap "Suicide Attempt"

Ironically, this story coincides with the opening of a new Disneyland attraction based the film "Cars" in which Wilson played a hot rod that got his boost from high-octane fuel instead of cocaine. In the new attraction, guests sit inside a cute, anthropomorphic vehicle, lock the garage door, and run a hose from the exhuast pipe in through the driver's side window.

Details are scarce at the moment, but rumors abound that Wilson had "superficially" slashed his wrists and taken an overdose of drugs. In true comedic fashion, Wilson's screen partner Ben Stiller slapped his forehead in disgust before grabbing a bottle of sleeping pills to show Wilson how to do it right.

Some are arguing that this wasn't a suicide attempt at all but rather just a cover-up protecting Wilson's secret heroin addiction. But honestly, if your way of minmizing bad press is to make up a story about a suicide attempt, perhaps it's time to reevaluate your lifestyle. If he and Lindsay Lohan ever had a kid, it wouldn't be human--just a bulimic mass of pills, used needles, and regret soaked in Jack Daniels.

Actually, I happen to have the real scoop on what went down. After a series of thoughtful art-house films like "Bottle Rocket" and "The Life Aquatic" as well as an Academy Award nomination for co-writing "The Royal Tennenbaums," Wilson was expecting "You, Me and Dupree" to be his "Citizen Kane." However, as is oft the case in Hollywood, the studio wrenched control from Wilson at the last minute and turned his melancholy post-World War I epic into a brainless summer comedy about a simple-minded slacker named Dupree who likes margaritas.

Things went downhill for Wilson after he attended a screening of the film and saw that his character's heroic battle with polio had been re-editted into a farting contest with a dog.

At home, things weren't much better. What was once a fantasy life in which he dated Kate Hudson gave way to the stark reality that he dated Kate Hudson. Eventually the strain became too much to bear and the man whose delightful wit and charm made us look past his weird nose attempted to take his own life.

Hopefully Wilson will make a full recovery and the world will not be denied the completion of the "Shanghai Noon" trilogy. Until then, watch this oddly prophetic clip from "The Royal Tennenbaums" starring that other Wilson brother:

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Holy Crap, Batman! Leaked photos from the set of "The Dark Knight"!

Batman Begins was awesome, no doubt about it. Now here are the first really clear images of Heath Ledger in the upcoming sequel. Is he the Joker or just a joker? You decide.

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Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lohandling Things Poorly

Lindsay Lohan has been arrested again--this time by the LAPD’s new “Lohan Division."

She was charged with possession of cocaine, driving under the influence, and attacking her personal assistant’s mother with her car. “I am innocent,” Lohan claimed in a heartfelt text message she wrote while stabbing a homeless person.

She, along with her friends Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Nicole Richie can all be seen soon in their upcoming roles as The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Living the Good lie

Boom Chicago

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Muggle Rage

I just got back from seeing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth installment in J.K. Rowling’s wizarding series which includes titles that all sound vaguely like soft-core porn--Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Dripping Wand of Ecstasy. You see what I mean.

Now if you haven’t been caught up in all the magic and wonder of these films you’re probably a “muggle”—which is okay for me to say since I am one, but I swear to God, if I ever hear a fucking wizard use that word to my face… That’s our word. Anyway, speaking as a “person of muggle,” I honestly don’t get what all the hype is about.

First of all, J.K. Rowling sets up these mysteries in her stories, but she always gives it away when she names characters. Who’s the one killing the students? Is it Professor Candy Apple or Professor Murdersby!? Thanks, JK. That’d be terrific, if my reading level was first trimester. She’s worse than George Lucas, and he once named a character “Sleazebaggio.”

If you haven’t read the books, watching these movies is like a watching a 20-act play about a bunch of effete English ponces in which stuff just happens. Cause it’s all magic, see? And because it’s all magic, J.K. Rowling can’t write herself into a corner. It’s impossible. Look out, Harry, a dragon! That’s okay, I have a box with an egg inside and if you crack open the egg and make an omelet from it, you’ll be invisible to dragons. And here, Ron, take this hat made of goblin hair. If you wear it, it cures bowel cancer. There’s just no stakes. Christian fundamentalists claim that the Harry Potter series promotes Devil-worship, but I think it just promotes lazy writing.

Now a big deal has been made about the final book and what’s going to happen to Harry and how are all the big secrets going to be explained? Hey, here’s a hint: magic. Everything’s magic. How did Professor Dingleberry survive being eaten by a fire crab? Magic! Where do babies come from? Magic! Don’t question it! It’s magic! You know what would be surprising? If in the final book, Harry Potter got killed by a sniper. That would surprise me. But even if that happens, the gun’ll probably be magic.

And that’s Harry Potter. A movie with a bunch of famous English actors who all get 30 seconds of screen-time so that a house-elf someone made on an iMac can steal focus. But on the plus side, it’s always fun to watch child actors get older and weirder-looking, as the slow realization that they’ve made a huge mistake dawns on their faces.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Worst Movie Poster Ever?

I don't know how hard it is to put a movie poster together, but I'm gonna guess that the answer is "not that."

Honestly. The major actors in a film usually have contractual demands that do most of the work for you: "My face must take up 50% of the entire sheet. I must appear at least 3 times in 3 different outfits. My name must be either on fire or made out of shiny metal." The biggest challenge then is how to convey the high-concept plotlines that Hollywood is farting out these days in a single panel that can be understood by your average mouth-breather.

With that in mind, I present the poster for "Premonition."

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Look at that fucking calendar. That is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. Just look at it. It's like a 4 year-old put it together. Let me tell you, the first thing I do when I find out someone I love is going to die, is mark it on my calendar. Then, if I'm wrong, I'll probably be annoyed and have to correct it. With a red pen. So there's no confusion this time. This is retarded. What if the "Memento" poster had Guy Pierce holding a big cardboard sign that read, "I can't remember stuff." Or if "The Crying Game" ads featured a thought bubble that said, "I hope no one finds out I have a dingus." Come on.

And by the way, if this movie is called "Premonition" wouldn't you find out that Jim dies BEFORE Jim dies? It's not exactly exciting to discover that someone is going to die yesterday. My Lord. That's not even a premonition! It's just a monition.

Sandra Bullock really doesn't need this kind of help keeping people from the cinemas. Her career started off very promising during the early 90s, but since she hired a helper monkey to pick her scripts for her, Bullock has all the credibility of President Bush wearing a fake Hitler moustache. In other words, the best way to get me to not see a movie is to remind me of cinematic turds like "Practical Magic" and "Miss Congeniality 2." All of her films boil down to her getting real choked up and fanning her face with both hands.

It's not your imagination. This is one of the worst posters ever. Just edging out Tim Allen's scary human-eyes-on-a-dog from the "Shaggy Dog"...

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And Eddie Murphy getting us to hate him twice at the same time with "Norbit"...

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Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

Friday, June 29, 2007

More Computer-Generated Crap

Transformers, Squid-Faced Pirates, and Bruce Willis. There are no longer any real human beings being used in summer blockbusters.

I just did a two-day binge of "Live Free or Die Hard" and "Transformers", and the logic centers of my brain are still hurting. Don't get me wrong, there were a couple good mindless moments to be had in each movie, but with all the explosions and last-minute close calls edited to digital precision, I can't help but get the sense that Hollywood has forgotten what real people are supposed to be like.

What few biological organisms enter the frame are usually the same thinly-drawn stereotypes. I imagine Michael Bay, terrified that his film won't break box office records, mercilessly rubbing a flaccid penis with increasing ferocity instead of just taking five minutes to relax and let the damn thing rise on its own.

I think people are fooled into liking this crap because they are constantly being told they are supposed to. But we don't need a dizzying array of loud sounds and blurred cgi to be entertained. Even in an action film. The first "Die Hard", if you will recall, was actually a GOOD MOVIE. In many ways, it created what we know as the modern action film genre, and what did it have? Like one or two explosions? The reason that it worked was two-fold:

One, John McClane was vulnerable. People can relate to a guy whose marriage is on the rocks and when he walks on broken glass, it fucking HURTS.

Two, Carl Winslow is in it and that's just awesome.

Nowadays, every action star is the same. Humanity is stripped away frame by frame until they all become the Terminator. Case and point: watch this scene from the latest "Die Hard" movie as Bruce Willis fist-fights a fighter jet... and wins:

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

Thursday, June 21, 2007

He belongs in a museum!

The first official picture of Harrison Ford returning as Indiana Jones has been released. Come on. You know you're curious...

Well, I'd like to make fun, but so far he actually looks pretty good... in a 64 years-old sort of way. The strangest thing to me is that apparently Indy hasn't bought any new clothes in the last 20 years. He changes girlfriends more often than he changes shirts.

Steven Spielberg returns to direct, and the movie is set in the 1950s which means less Nazis for you history buffs out there. Along with Ford, the film stars Cate Blanchett, John Hurt, Ray Winstone and Jim Broadbent. Also appearing is Shia "Just Try And Pronounce My Name" LeBeouf, previously of "Even Stevens" fame. He's rumored to be playing *gulp* Indy's son which is an idea bad enough to convince me that George Lucas is still producing.

How do I feel about this movie? It's tough. The practical part of me says it ended so perfectly last time with Indy and his dad (who will not be returning) literally riding off into the sunset. That said, the selfish 12 year-old in me really wants to see one more kick-ass Indiana Jones movie.

So I'm rooting for this one. Even if that means I'll have to endure a scene with Harrison Ford in a wheelchair chase.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

Sunday, June 10, 2007

F*ing Sequels!

This summer is bringing us what has to be an unprecendented number of movie sequels, but to be honest, people have been complaining about that for years now. In fact, the observation alone is about as fresh as Ice Cube getting hit in the balls again by a bunch of horrible kids.

But that's what you get when the country with the largest entertainment industry also boasts one of the worst educational systems. And even the greatest tragedy in American history hasn't caused us to wise up. I'm speaking of course about "Deuce Bigalow II."

If you haven't already had your expectations raped by the mess that was "Spider-Man 3", and then prayed to an absent god as the even worse "Pirates of the Carribean 3" lept from the shadows for sloppy seconds, then you can look forward to even more poorly conceived projects that confirm Hollywood ran out of ideas years ago. Let's do a quick run-through of what horrors await you at the box office:

Ocean's 13 - The movie series that feels more like watching a really cool party that you weren't invited to gets a third installment, presumably because the crack team of thieves who stole millions of dollars in the previous films hired MC Hammer's accountant. The movie follows Danny Ocean, who suffers from an obsessive-compulsive disorder requiring him to pull off exceedingly dangerous heists, each time increasing the size of his team by 1. Will anyone die this time? Here's a hint: the next one probably won't be called "Ocean's 9".

Hostel: Part II - I know. There are so many questions left over from the first "Hostel"--primarily why the hell was it made in the first place!? What can you say about a movie that literally has people speaking German and calling it Dutch? The "Saw"-inspired trend of watching 2-dimensional characters being graphically tortured for 2 hours and calling it "horror" continues, but the awful acting, terrible dialogue, and low production values really define a new category unto itself: "gore-nography."

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer - The first Fantastic Four film loses out maybe only to Shaq's crapfest "Steel" as the worst superhero film ever made. I'd argue "Ghostrider" but I don't want to be cruel since that film was clearly directed by a six year-old. FF should have come and gone, but people are sad and need to be distracted from the harsh realities of the Iraq war, so they went to the movies and watched this afterbirth of cinema. It's just totally unwatchable. It's like Jessica Alba learns her lines phonetically without any concept of what the words actually mean. But hey, if you can teach a dog to say "I love you", why not? Rise of the Silver Surfer? Sounds like an embarassing "boner" joke.

Evan Almighty - Hey, you know what works really well? Jim Carey sequels without Jim Carey! This'll make more than "Son of the Mask" and "Dumb and Dumberer" combined! I hope somebody jumps out a window over this one.

28 Weeks Later - Ah, the zombie series that isn't about zombies. The first film was stylish if overrated and now the standard "Aliens" formula is being applied. If 28 DAYS is scary, 28 WEEKS must be pants-shittingly terrifying! I frankly don't see a need to revisit a world where people get infected in the space of about 3 seconds and then have the single-minded purpose of biting and throwing up on you. I'd call it the most implausable thing on film, but I still can't get over that whole Jessica Alba having a career thing. Seriously. She's like a parrot.

Die Hard 4.0 - Whenever studios figure they have to punch up the integer in the movie's title by making it look edgy like "4 POINT 0"! Or "CUBED"! Or writing the "e" as a fucking "3" or something, it's nature's way of saying "don't watch me, I'm going to suck." Bruce Willis' receding hairline has finally reached the back of his neck, but he's returned anyway to show us that he's still cool. Seriously. As cool as Justin Long. Hey, those two should do the movie TOGETHER! Oh shit. I was just kidding. What have I done? This film will finally answer the question of why we haven't won the war on terrorism. Because real cops are pussies compared to John McClane.

NOTE: I just found out that "Die Hard 4.0" is just the European title. In the States, it's "Live Free or Die Hard." And here I was worried the title would be something stupid.

Well, that's all I can handle right now. When you're buying your next ticket, try this: do it blind. Have them surprise you with the movie you're going to see. Chances are you already saw it anyway when the story was newer and the actors were less fat.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

Friday, June 1, 2007

Where I Draw the Line

It's one thing to post videos of celebrities acting like flat-out bastards or just plain embarassing themselves, but I'm not in the business of selling human misery.

That's precisely the reason I'm not touching the "drunk David Hasselhoff" video. Watch it for 15 seconds and it's amusing in that Barney from the Simpsons sort of way. Watch it a bit longer and what you hear is the heart-breaking voice of his wise-beyond-her-years teenage daughter pleading with her dad to help himself. He drools. He says "fuck you." This is what drunks do. But he also says he's lonely. There's no entertainment there. This is a raw, private moment that should never have been broadcast to the world.

I hope Hasselhoff gets the help he needs and is able to make things up to his clearly concerned child. And while that happens, I'll be happy to put up clips of Jay Leno getting his nuts caught in a belt-sander.

Hey, a guy can hope.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Abdul Fall Down, Go Boom

Paula Abdul, the 44 year-old softballer from the inexplicably popular television series "American Idol" has suffered a broken nose just days before the show's finale according to media reports.

And if you thought she was annoying before, just imagine all that inane blather being strained through a pulpy mass of bruised flesh and shattered cartilidge.
The story goes that she was trying to avoid stepping on her similiarly useless pet Chihuahua, Tulip, and God was too busy to make sure she landed on her neck. Allow me to offer a contrary opinion as to what caused the mishap:

It's no secret that Paula Abdul's blood alcohol content is so high, her urine could keep your average Arizona State student drunk for a semester.
Prolly has a little something to do with this.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Living the Good Lie

The line between fame and douche baggery is a thin one.
And why is that? Does becoming a celebrity turn people into jerks, or is fame simply reserved for the type of person who is an asshole to begin with?

I don’t know and I don’t care. What I do know is that Hollywood’s got a seamy underbelly (whatever the heck that is), and I say it’s time we poked at it a bit.

With that in mind, take a look at these videos of celebrities gone wild. Some are new. Some are classic.

In the meantime, I’ll be elbow-deep in dirt, bringing you stardom at its worst… so you can feel better about being a nobody.

Living the good lie

Boom Chicago